Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We have to stop meeting like this...don't get me wrong, I like updating random strangers, my mom and a few close friends (to my knowledge that about sums up all my readers) on my life, but I would just rather be in bed at 1:15 in the morning :)

I just spent the past 3 hours looking up meds and nursing diagnoses for a care plan that I am writing. The mentally ill population is becoming very dear to my heart. I can't really explain it, nor did I see myself enjoying this class so much. But I am...I mean I had a conversation last week with a guy who though he was Kid Rock.

Really? Kid Rock?....Thank You.

Today was a great day. I mean clinicals cancelled, sleep in till noon, meet new friends, spend time with the old ones kind of great day. I'm So thankful for the sleep, I really needed it. And I'm even more thankful to be making new friends, even friends within the nursing department! It's amazing how without even vocalizing my needs, Abba meets me right where I am.

So I haven't really had much of an appetite lately. I have been sick for a few days, and eating kinda loses its appeal when I can't taste anything. But I am happy to say that at around 11:30 tonight I could taste again! I ravaged our kitchen for something to satisfy my growing hunger, and it didn't take long to realize that my 100 calorie packs and string cheese weren't going to cut it. Thankfully Crystal came back from her meeting with pizza roles and chips and salsa...that girl is my angel :)

So I am trying to figure out a way to decide where to begin looking at what happens after graduation. My current plan of action....denial....seems to be making things worse. I think I am going to start posting possible areas/hospitals that interrest me. So when I finally do, feel free to take a look and tell me what you think. I think we will start that in my next entry...the dryer buzzer just um...buzzed? thats my cue to fold before my work uniform gets all wrinkled. Oh right..i forgot to tell you Im writting from my laundry room. Random.

I'll leave you with this; lyrics to a song that just popped up on pandora. Praying that you are refreshed by the Lord's grace today!

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad
There is a fountain full of grace and it flows from Emmanuel’s veins
It came and it healed me
It came and refreshed me
And it came and it washed my sins away

Goodnight :)

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