Monday, February 2, 2009
Mom- don't freak out.

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Things I'd be better off without....
A.) The Ultimate Fighting Championship. I just don't get it.
And it is a TERRIBLE night to work at a bar with free paperview....
B.) Snow.
Now snow and I have a bit of a love/hate relationship, so I would imagine it will be back on top soon. But I took quite a tumble yesterday, and have the bruise on my shin to prove it. It's safe to say that me and snow are officially over till next winter.
I just really needed to get that out there :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I just spent the past 3 hours looking up meds and nursing diagnoses for a care plan that I am writing. The mentally ill population is becoming very dear to my heart. I can't really explain it, nor did I see myself enjoying this class so much. But I am...I mean I had a conversation last week with a guy who though he was Kid Rock.
Really? Kid Rock?....Thank You.
Today was a great day. I mean clinicals cancelled, sleep in till noon, meet new friends, spend time with the old ones kind of great day. I'm So thankful for the sleep, I really needed it. And I'm even more thankful to be making new friends, even friends within the nursing department! It's amazing how without even vocalizing my needs, Abba meets me right where I am.
So I haven't really had much of an appetite lately. I have been sick for a few days, and eating kinda loses its appeal when I can't taste anything. But I am happy to say that at around 11:30 tonight I could taste again! I ravaged our kitchen for something to satisfy my growing hunger, and it didn't take long to realize that my 100 calorie packs and string cheese weren't going to cut it. Thankfully Crystal came back from her meeting with pizza roles and chips and salsa...that girl is my angel :)
So I am trying to figure out a way to decide where to begin looking at what happens after graduation. My current plan of action....denial....seems to be making things worse. I think I am going to start posting possible areas/hospitals that interrest me. So when I finally do, feel free to take a look and tell me what you think. I think we will start that in my next entry...the dryer buzzer just um...buzzed?...so thats my cue to fold before my work uniform gets all wrinkled. Oh right..i forgot to tell you Im writting from my laundry room. Random.
I'll leave you with this; lyrics to a song that just popped up on pandora. Praying that you are refreshed by the Lord's grace today!
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad
There is a fountain full of grace and it flows from Emmanuel’s veins
It came and it healed me
It came and refreshed me
And it came and it washed my sins away
Goodnight :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I should be asleeeeeep
Thursday, January 8, 2009
In all I do?
I found myself struggling to sing the last part of one of my favorite worship songs at church this week. If I could change the words to make myself feel a little better about saying it, I think it would go something like this:
"In all I do, I will try to honor you...but I'm not promising anything"
doesn't quite have the same ring....
I was reading a small devotional last night...and everything that I have been wrestling with (fences, honoring God, purifying my heart/motives) came screaming back to me. C.D. Baker writes:
"Don't tell anyone, but I can't live the Christian life...I've tried and tried...but I can't. I haven't loved God with all my heart, soul and mind, and I certainly haven't loved my neighbor as myself. The Big Lie that has weighed so heavily on me is that I can make my Christina life "work". It's a lie that has stood in the way of true communion with God, from fully appreciating the beauty of creation around me and the community of others."
But praise be to God, who has freed me of trying! He has shown me that only Christ can live that life through me as I get that "trying-harder" Self out of His way. How's that for perspective?
So lets see....
*I am back at school...ONE more semester!
And to sum up what I have learned this week: You CANNOT date your patients- no matter how sincere their marriage proposals are. Also...the xerox was responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union. Should be an interesting semester!
*Mom, congratulations on having the coolest blog....i love the 365 thing!
*I am currently completley obsessed with Adele... amazing singer/songwriter from U.K...who is, coincidentally, NOTHING like Amy Whinehouse.
*Not that I am already wishing my semester away...but only 5 weeks till Spring Break!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
cozy on the fence
I love my friends, because the aren't afraid to call me out on my character flaws. I was recently told by one of my best friends that I need to stop sitting on the fence. Confused by the expression, I asked what he meant. He, more or less, told me to pick a side and plant myself. Naturally I got all defensive but decided to just let it roll off my shoulders.
But that hasn't really been working out so well. I havn't really been able to get the image or phrase out of my head. I guess I have grown to like the fence. I suppose it's comfortable. I come and go as I please..use it as a barrier for protection when necessary...but keep it to where I can see across to the other side as well. And I spent all day trying to figure out why that image is so distorted, and where the truth is in this whole thing. Why is the fence there? Did I put it up, or did I let God build it for me? Would he want me perched here? Where can I find the strength to stand for what I believe...what DO I believe?And how long until there is no fence at all? Is that even a bad thing?
I don't have many answers yet...anti-climactic, I know. But I'm going to keep digging and searching. I don't want to have that much control in my life. Tis the season for resolutions and new outlooks on life :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
One of the most amazing experiences this week was an interaction I had with a Canadian family in the Neuro ICU. This couple was in Puerto Rico for their second honeymoon. During their stay, the husband started complaining of a severe headache, and while his wife went to get him pain reliever, he began vomiting and lost consciousness. He was rushed to the hospital here at the university and was admitted with a subdural hemorrhage (an arterial bleed in the brain). The nurses pointed the family out to me, because the family only spoke English, and no one had been able to really communicate with them, so I went into their room...more like a roped off corner of a wide open space filled with sick patients and families and wildly beeping machines. I walked over and met the man's daughter and son. Since the accident, his children had flown down to be with him and their mother. I talked with his son and daughter, who both looked to be in their early 30’s. As soon as I explained who I was and what my purpose at the hospital was, they opened up. It was like releasing a floodgate, a deluge of every kind of emotion came pouring out. They expressed how difficult it has been because they can’t speak any Spanish, and how it was difficult to entrust their father’s life to this foreign healthcare system. When I asked them how it was going, they said they were thoroughly impressed with the care their father had received, but admitted they had their doubts and had to overcome a lot of fear and cultural barriers. The talked about environmental and cultural factors they had to deal with, which they had never given any thought to. Their main concern was driving in a foreign place, where there seem to be no traffic laws at all. The daughter said her main concern was reaching her father, but that driving in San Juan was a major obstacle they had to overcome. (This was something we were able to bond with...because i tend to close my eyes and pray whenever we are in a car here.) It was amazing to sit and be able to talk with this family, who had experienced culture shock, on top of a family tragedy. As therapeutic as it was for them, I benefitted from the time with this family as well. I simply could not imagine going through this experience alone in a different country. They were able to confide in me and vent in their own language to someone who understood them, and could provide support. I was so thankful for the opportunity for God to use me, though I walked into the situation rather blindly. I continue to be amazed at the works of our Father. Surely His hand has been on me this entire trip, and I am fulfilling His purpose for my life while I am here.
I am not my own.
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”- Ecclesiastes 11:5